For all of us who have been working in water for the last 15 years or more, 2015 was year 1, the target year for the Millennium Development Goals. For many countries, the data showed great progress: from 1990 to 2012, 2.3 billion people gained access to improved water sources and almost 2 billion to […]
Free Webinar: AquaRating: transforming the management of water and sanitation utilities 17 Oct 2017 A webinar about the AquaRating methodology, with 3 different case studies: Fiji, Sierra Leone, and an overview of several Latin American assessments.
Rating systems can help utilities to identify their capacity gaps in order to better serve customers and set themselves up for potential risks and/or shocks to the water supply and wastewater systems. Pritha Hariram, in her Kini Interview, introduced me to a tool that the IWA developed – AquaRating – and we spoke about the […]
The Guma Valley Water Company of Sierra Leone has become the first water company on the African continent to get an AquaRating certificate, setting an example for other water companies in Africa. It is the second in the world after the water company of Quito in Ecuador.
Water and Development Congress 2017 IWA’s Water and Development Congress series aims to catalyse transformational change and support transition to new ways of managing water resources and delivering water services. The Congress is explicitly solutions-focused, its performance indicators include the level of effective networking, knowledge exchange and the generation of new ideas shared by the […]
AquaRating: An international standard for assessing water and wastewater services aims to provide an industry standard for utilities worldwide. The AquaRating standard has been designed to assess drinking water and wastewater utilities operating mainly in urban areas and located anywhere in the world. The main users of AquaRating are envisaged to be drinking water and wastewater […]
AquaRating will be presented in detail and in its market introduction version during a morning workshop to be celebrated in the context of the IWA International Conference on Water Efficiency and Performance Assessment of Water Services, that will take place in Cincinnati (United States) during the week of April 20-24, 2015. During the session, the […]
In order to test the AquaRating system and its auditing procedures’ pilot versions, months ago the IDB signed agreements with thirteen water and sanitation utilities from Latin America and the Caribbean and Europe (Spain), among whom the Empresa Metropolitana de Agua Potable y Saneamiento (EPMAPS) de Quito, which was selected to try out the complete […]
Most of us who care and are motivated about international cooperation to help those in need spend a great deal of our time working from our desks. I am particularly referring to those who basically generate knowledge products and tools to strengthen institutional capacity. Our main activities are between text documents, spreadsheets, data bases, detailed […]