AquaRating Certified

AquaRating Certified offers the water and sanitation services provider:

  1. Access to the AquaRating on-line evaluation with documental and professionals technical support to complete the process.
  2. An independent and accredited audit of the information provided, including:
    1. The office audit of the AquaRating assessment elements;
    2. The in-situ audit of the AquaRating assessment elements; and
    3. An audit report of the AquaRating evaluation process.
  3. A certified exhaustive report of the rating results and performance improvement orientations (AquaRating Report); and
  4. The AquaRating certification.

The AquaRating Report is one of the AquaRating Certified’s products with greater value added, and is characterized by:

  • Offering detailed information about each one of the 112 AquaRating evaluation elements disaggregated in individual practices and variables;
  • Representing a transparent standard on how to improve the ratings (performance indicators – best management practices – information quality); and
  • Serving as a key management and risk mitigation strategic document to utilities, stakeholders, governments / regulators and cooperation agents.

More information on AquaRating here.